土豆烧牛肉 – Braised Beef with Potatoes

Braised Beef with Potatoes is a beloved dish, tasty and nutritious. To make it, cube beef, peel and chop potatoes. Blanch beef to tenderize. Stir-fry beef in hot oil with seasonings, then simmer with water, soy sauce, and cooking wine until almost done. Add potatoes, continuing to stew until both are tender and the broth is rich. Season with salt to taste. A perfect family meal!

土豆烧牛肉 (Potato Braised Beef)

土豆烧牛肉(Potato Braised Beef)是一道经典的家常菜,以其独特的风味和亲和力广受欢迎。精选食材,牛肉鲜嫩多汁,土豆软糯香甜;烹饪过程中注重细节和火候,成就色泽红亮、味道醇厚的佳肴。此菜不仅美味,还富含营养,是健康饮食的优选。